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I want to be SENSIBLE or do I want to show my EMOTIONS

by | Public speaking

Does that make SENSE     DOES that make sense    Does THAT make sense…

Sometimes stressing one word rather than another as we speak a single phrase can simply suggest our personal take on whatever it is we need to say.  That is, it need not substantially alter the message being conveyed.

I’m SO please to see you     I’m so PLEASED to see you   I’m so pleased to SEE you…

I would however suggest that if all those words had equal amounts of stress it might just sound as if there was some rather negative subtext to your greeting  : 

I’m so pleased to see you         I’M SO PLEASED TO SEE YOU

The interpretation on hearing the first reading could be ‘well you could have fooled me…’.

The second rendition could sound as if the person was being told off : ‘I am pleased to see you, but about **** time…’

Try speaking these phrases out-loud.  Try the suggestions.  And see what you think.  Hear what it sounds like to you?

Want to know more or book a session?

Let Your Voice Be Heard - Alan Woodhouse Voice Coach


A Practical Guide to Confident Speaking: Let Your Voice be Heard (Practical Guide Series)

[Paperback/ Ebook] published by Icon Books

Express yourself clearly, persuasively and confidently. 
Learn how to plan what you want to say, manage your anxieties and project your best self, whatever the situation.
Whether you want to ask your boss for a pay rise, deliver a faultless wedding speech or settle your nerves before an interview, communication coach Alan Woodhouse teaches you how to find your inner confidence and capture your audience.
Understand how to tailor your speeches and find the perfect words for every occasion, project your voice and overcome stage fright.

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