Woodhouse Voice voice coaching news
I’M GETTING MARRIED IN THE MORNING I don’t HAVE to give a speech do I?
Many people need a bit of assistance to make sure everything is in place for their big day. Might you need a little help with your speech?
Voice coaches are online, waiting for you. This could be a perfect time to tune up your voice…
How many bears are there now?
ONCE UPON A TIME Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin… Does that bring back some memories? I hope they’re good ones! TELLING THE STORY : WHAT IS THE STORY. Words can be pretty elastic really. Perhaps we’d like them to stay still, so to speak, and not move...
What we taught those acting students: Do Not Forget To Breathe
How does the Guildhall School of Music & Drama train some great actors?
Am I Breathing??
So many clients worry about not being able to breathe well. I’m not breathing from my diaphragm! WHERE IS MY DIAPHRAGM…
I want to be SENSIBLE or do I want to show my EMOTIONS
Does thinking about what we’re going to do lead to us doing what we think…
Alan’s Voice Coaching Blog
I’m Alan. Hello. I work as a voice coach. I also use the titles presentation coach and public speaking coach. My first training was as a singer, so I also work with the singing voice as well as the speaking.
Another job-title would be acting coach. What a lot of words: and what does it all mean.
Want to know more or book a session?

A Practical Guide to Confident Speaking: Let Your Voice be Heard (Practical Guide Series)
[Paperback/ Ebook] published by Icon Books
Available online from Amazon and Waterstones.